National Domestic Violence Hotline

Hours: 24/7. Languages: English, Spanish and 200 more languages through an interpretation service, to learn more, call: # 800-799-7233 Online Certified Course Provider Meets Court / Probation Ordered Rehabilitation Education Mandates Offered by Herman Walton

A healthy relationship will not require you to sacrifice your friends, your dreams or your dignity.

Mandy Hale

What does my tuition include?

Everything you need to meet your requirements! Enrollment is easy. Work at your own pace from your laptop or smart phone... Your account will contain all enrolled courses and all certificates earned. Instantly download your certificate and send it to anyone!

  • Enrollment Proof

  • Worksheet/Journal/Survey

  • Downloadable Personalized Certificate

  • Weekly Email Reminders to Complete Training

First, sign up to create your ProbationClasses.Thinkific account.

Next, select your course and hours. Lastly, pay tuition. No credit card? No problem! A prepaid card can be used.

Certified Court Approved Services Provider

Provided by Probation Classes Powered By Thinkific, COREPSO endorsed NCOei certified education is approved in 99% of courts Nationwide.

AFFILIATE DISCLOSURE: Probation Classes Powered By Thinkific is an affiliate services provider for National Court Ordered Education Institute, LLC and a member of the Court Ordered Rehabilitation Education Providers Services Organization and will gain 50% commission if you click a course link and complete enrollment.

MENTAL HELATH RIGHTS DUE DILIGENCE DISCOVERY IS OFTEN REQUIRED TO SELECT YOUR OWN SERVICES PROVIDERS -Every court is different in their mode of acceptability regarding mandated or court ordered education. Courts tend to manage court ordered rehabilitation education through the judge, probation officer, district attorney, chief probation officer, court clerk, district clerk, municipal court, court secretary and even separate entity divisions. Ultimately, the Judge has the last and final word regarding course acceptance. 

How can I confirm acceptance?

Confirm acceptance by presenting this course acceptance letter to your entity: 

Course Acceptance Request Letter of Integrity.pdf


 CONFIRMAR ACEPTACIÓN Es obligatorio confirmar la aceptación. Todas las inscripciones son definitivas.

Does your entity require you to have a workbook?

Download Workbook/COREPSO Logbook: The more proof of your accomplishment the better!







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Featured Classes Below

Domestic Violence, Batterer Intervention, Intimate Partner Violence Prevention, Victims Impact Panels (VIPs)- Healing Violence

Enrollment Proof, Instant Certificate, and eMail Reminders Included. Find your class & hours by scrolling down.

Child Welfare: Prevention of Abuse, Maltreatment, Neglect & Endangerment

Online Certified Classes

Child Abuse, Maltreatment, Endangerment

1-hour Child Welfare & Safety- Abuse & Neglect Prevention

Child abuse may include any act or failure to act by a parent or a caregiver that results in actual or potential harm to a child and can occur in a child's home, or in the organizations, schools, or communities in which the child interacts. Comprehensive Guide for ALL Childcare Givers. Includes enrollment proof, optional workbook, question-answer-feedback-sessions-instant certificate. Online Certified Course Provider Meets Court / Probation Ordered Rehabilitation Education Mandates Offered by Herman Walton

Child Abuse, Maltreatment, Endangerment

2-hour Child Welfare & Safety- Abuse & Neglect Prevention

Child abuse may include any act or failure to act by a parent or a caregiver that results in actual or potential harm to a child and can occur in a child's home, or in the organizations, schools, or communities in which the child interacts. Comprehensive Guide for ALL Childcare Givers. Includes enrollment proof, optional workbook, question-answer-feedback-sessions-instant certificate. Online Certified Course Provider Meets Court / Probation Ordered Rehabilitation Education Mandates Offered by Herman Walton

Abusive Head Trauma (AHT)

2-hour "Shaken Baby Syndrome" Childcare Givers Comprehensive Guide

Shaken baby syndrome usually occurs when a parent or caregiver severely shakes a child in frustration or anger, often because the child won't stop crying. Permanent brain damage or death may result. Symptoms include irritability, difficulty staying awake, seizures, abnormal breathing, poor eating, bruises, and vomiting. $10 Online Certified Course Provider Meets Court / Probation Ordered Rehabilitation Education Mandates Offered by Herman Walton

Domestic Violence, Batterer Intervention, Victims Impact Panels, Survivor Education

Online Certified Classes, 1-104-hours (52-weeks)

Domestic Violence, Batterer Intervention Awareness

1-hour DV/BIPP Victims Impact Panels (VIPS)

Online certified class designed to create awareness of domestic violence and intimate partner violence and promote healthy relationships through self-education and self-understanding including VIP. Includes enrollment proof, question-answer-feedback-sessions, optional workbook, instant certificate. Online Certified Course Provider Meets Court / Probation Ordered Rehabilitation Education Mandates Offered by Herman Walton

DV/BIPP Victims (Survivors) Empowerment

1-hour DV/BIPP Entitlement, Worthiness & Self-Value Education

Online certified class designed to create awareness of the powerlessness involved in domestic violence and intimate partner violence and promote a healthy sense of self-value, entitlement and worthiness. Includes enrollment proof, question-answer-feedback-sessions, optional workbook, instant certificate. Online Certified Course Provider Meets Court / Probation Ordered Rehabilitation Education Mandates Offered by Herman Walton

Domestic Violence, Batterer Intervention

8-hours Including Victims Impact Panels (VIP)

Online certified class designed to heal familiar violence and promote healthy relationships through empathy, compassion and self-understanding including 1-hour of Survivor Testimonials (VIP). Enrollment proof, question-answer-feedback sessions, optional workbook, instant certificate. Online Certified Course Provider Meets Court / Probation Ordered Rehabilitation Education Mandates Offered by Herman Walton

Domestic Violence, Batterer Intervention

16-hours Including Victims Impact Panels (VIP)

Online certified class designed to heal familiar violence and promote healthy relationships through empathy, compassion and self-understanding including 1-hour of Survivor Testimonials (VIP). Enrollment proof, question-answer-feedback sessions, optional workbook, instant certificate. Online Certified Course Provider Meets Court / Probation Ordered Rehabilitation Education Mandates Offered by Herman Walton

Domestic Violence, Batterer Intervention

24-hours Including Victims Impact Panels (VIP)

Online certified class designed to heal familiar violence and promote healthy relationships through empathy, compassion and self-understanding including 4-hours of Survivor Testimonials (VIP). Enrollment proof, question-answer-feedback sessions, optional workbook, instant certificate. Online Certified Course Provider Meets Court / Probation Ordered Rehabilitation Education Mandates Offered by Herman Walton

Domestic Violence, Batterer Intervention

32-hours Including Victims Impact Panels (VIPS)

Online certified class designed to heal familiar violence and promote healthy relationships through empathy, compassion and self-understanding including 3-hours of Survivor Testimonials (VIP). Enrollment proof, question-answer-feedback sessions, optional workbook, instant certificate. Online Certified Course Provider Meets Court / Probation Ordered Rehabilitation Education Mandates Offered by Herman Walton

Domestic Violence, Batterer Intervention

40-hours Including Victims Impact Panels (VIPS)

Online certified class designed to heal familiar violence and promote healthy relationships through empathy, compassion and self-understanding including 4-hours of Survivor Testimonials (VIP). Enrollment proof, question-answer-feedback sessions, optional workbook, instant certificate. Online Certified Course Provider Meets Court / Probation Ordered Rehabilitation Education Mandates Offered by Herman Walton

Domestic Violence, Batterer Intervention

48-hours Including Victims Impact Panels (VIP)

Online certified class designed to heal familiar violence and promote healthy relationships through empathy, compassion and self-understanding including 4-hours of Survivor Testimonials (VIP). Enrollment proof, question-answer-feedback sessions, optional workbook, instant certificate. Online Certified Course Provider Meets Court / Probation Ordered Rehabilitation Education Mandates Offered by Herman Walton

Domestic Violence, Batterer Intervention

56-hours Including Victims Impact Panels (VIP)

Online certified class designed to heal familiar violence and promote healthy relationships through empathy, compassion and self-understanding including 5-hours of Survivor Testimonials (VIP). Enrollment proof, question-answer-feedback sessions, optional workbook, instant certificate. Online Certified Course Provider Meets Court / Probation Ordered Rehabilitation Education Mandates Offered by Herman Walton

Domestic Violence, Batterer Intervention

64-hours Including Victims Impact Panels (VIP)

Online certified class designed to heal familiar violence and promote healthy relationships through empathy, compassion and self-understanding including 6-hours of Survivor Testimonials (VIP). Enrollment proof, question-answer-feedback sessions, optional workbook, instant certificate. Online Certified Course Provider Meets Court / Probation Ordered Rehabilitation Education Mandates Offered by Herman Walton

Domestic Violence, Batterer Intervention

72-hours Including Victims Impact Panels (VIP)

Online certified class designed to heal familiar violence and promote healthy relationships through empathy, compassion and self-understanding including 7-hours of Survivor Testimonials (VIP). Enrollment proof, question-answer-feedback sessions, optional workbook, instant certificate. Online Certified Course Provider Meets Court / Probation Ordered Rehabilitation Education Mandates Offered by Herman Walton

Domestic Violence, Batterer Intervention

104-hours Including Victims Impact Panels (VIP)

Online certified class designed to heal familiar violence and promote healthy relationships through empathy, compassion and self-understanding including 10-hours of Survivor Testimonials (VIP). Enrollment proof, question-answer-feedback sessions, optional workbook, instant certificate. Online Certified Course Provider Meets Court / Probation Ordered Rehabilitation Education Mandates Offered by Herman Walton

Master Trainer Domestic Violence, Intimate Partner Violence, Batterer Intervention Victims (Survivors) Impact Panels

104-Credit-Hour Professional Certification

This 8-week Rehabilitative Psychoeducation Master Trainer Program Certification involves extensive study in emotional cognition, specifically regarding domination and control issues involving abusive behavior. Includes video eCoaching and virtual interactions with a psychologist and master rehabilitation coach via discussions (#PoweredByThinkific) regarding domination and control intervention strategies. This 100% online dialectical training gives you the skills to engage and support someone in their rehabilitation transformation. Includes practice Question-Answer-Feedback-Sessions / Assessments and Final Exams. Enrollment Proof-Workbook / Training Transcript / Coaching Curriculum & Master Trainer Certification.
Probation Classes, Powered By Thinkific offered by Herman Walton 1-hour free Domestic Violence Awareness VIP Introduction by Val Catt

VIP Survivor's Empowerment Class

Domestic violence generally follows a pattern where the abuse gets worse over time. If you can identify the signs and symptoms of abuse early on in the relationship, you will have a good chance of getting out safely.

Need a different course title?

Different hours?

If you ask us, we may build it for you. Please allow up to 72-hours for our team of psychologists to create your course. [email protected] Online Certified Course Provider Meets Court / Probation Ordered Rehabilitation Education Mandates Offered by Herman Walton Probation Classes Powered By Thinkific